Sixty years ago, three scouts sadly lost their lives on the moors above Glossop as part of the Four Inns Challenge.

Today, 14 March, members of Glossop Mountain Rescue Team joined those from Edale and Derby teams along with some of the scouts who were out on the search for the missing youngsters that fateful night.

This tragedy however, marked the start of what we now know as PDMRO and today and this year PDMRO marks their 60th anniversary.

PDMRO now represents mountain rescue teams in the Peak District and is affiliated to Mountain Rescue England and Wales. The teams are Buxton, Derby, Edale, Glossop, Kinder, Oldham, Woodhead and Derbyshire Cave Rescue Organisation Peak District Search Dogs are also represented. All team members are volunteers who give of their time freely to go out in all weathers at all times of the day to rescue lost and injured walkers. When they’re not rescuing those in need, they spend time training and fund raising.

Matt Dooley, Glossop team member and Chairman of the PDMRO said: “At that time teams were not joined up and tended to be a small group of men from their local town. Today the teams are made up of men and women volunteers who are equipped with modern day technology, clothing and equipment to search. We rescue thousands of people from across the country who get into difficulty whilst enjoying our beautiful Peak District.

Matt has been a member of Glossop Team for over 25 years and explains that it still amazes him of how ill-equipped the public are when enjoying the Peak District.

“We still see people parking their cars at the side of the road and wondering off into the Peak with very little equipment, appropriate clothing or even a torch. Our terrain is often unforgiving and the weather changes rapidly, it’s understandable how people get lost or injured quickly.

“Since that particular event, the various teams serving the Peak District knew the benefits of working together, pooling resources and sharing information. We are essentially one large team and can coordinate large scale search and rescues very effectively. Whilst this event marks a very sad situation, it also marks the start of what has become, something very important and essential to the Peak District.”